GSOC 2015: VYD Open Data - Liquid Galaxy project community site

GSOC 2015: VYD Open Data

GSOC 2015 project proposal
Marc Solé Farré, Liquid Galaxy LAB, Spain
VYD Open Data

Project description

What is View Your Data?

View Your Data is a project ideated jointly by me and Andreu Ibáñez, mentor at GSOC Google Liquid Galaxy project, a project with 4 years in the GSOC.

The aim of the project is to create a tool that imports data of BigData platforms, and based on them create any presentation data layer to display in the Liquid Galaxy.
We want to choose for the GSoC as a pilot the  FiWare platform, the most used in Europe, and with many different data, that we pretend to add as layers on Liquid Galaxy.

Why VYD?

Nowadays, the Open Data movement is gaining in strength and we have much variety of data that can be imported in the Liquid Galaxy.

But in order to create a layer for each of this data we find the following difficulties:

  • File format (XML, CSV, JSON, etc ...)
  • Standard data format.
  • Presentation model.

The purpose of VYD is to resolve these difficulties and speed up the import process, representation and management layers.


The project is divided into two modules:
  • Layer Generator
    • Parser Manager
      • Its responsibility is to download the file, parse it and convert it to JSON
    • Presentation Manager
      • Its responsibility is to display the data in JSON and the available presentation models, in order for the user to select the data and match them with the presentation models.
  • Layer Manager
      • Manager store, display, delete and refresh the layers of liquid Galaxy.


Layer Manager prototype

Web application where you can select the layers for load in liquid galaxy.


Linked technologies

Liquid Galaxy
Google Earth
FiWare and other Open Data platforms

Values for Liquid Galaxy community

A scalable and modular motor, that generates layers according the data selected online and put the layers into the liquid galaxy.


Fiware seeks to provide a truly open, public and royalty-free architecture and a set of open specifications that will allow developers, service providers, enterprises and other organizations to develop products that satisfy their needs while still being open and innovative.

One of the parts of this project is FIWARE Lab Data Portal, a data hub for Smart Cities and organizations to offer Data to be used by developers and entrepreneurs for experimentation.

This project has another approach to the one that Joan Llimiñana, GSOC 2013 Liquid Galaxy LAB student, has.
We’ll be doing it server side, with different languages such as bash, python, HTML5, Javascript and CSS. It will be not an Android application.
We will be reviewing the code and approach executed by Joan, but with the idea of a bigger reach, as I see the project do not achieve a great results.

In summary VYD will be hosted on a machine outside the Liquid Galaxy, the reason are to create an add on to liquid galaxy.


We are proud to work with some of the best partners.