Searching for our project ideas? look no further and click:
You can rewatch here our latest MEET with GSoC wanna-be contributors, where we answered your questions and made some announcements:
January 28
The Liquid Galaxy project has applied to the Google Summer of Code program 2025.
As you can see and have to know by our calendar, Google will communicate on February 26 what organizations will take part this year, so two things:
- Continue working hard with our pre-requirements.
- Cross your fingers and Good Luck !!
On February 6, 16:00 CET we'll have an Ask Me Anything related to GSoC and the Liquid Galaxy project.
In the meantime remember:
- We have posted in our main menu on this unique post for GSoC 2025, our Project Ideas List , with all the projects we propose to you for this GSoC.
- Also you have the Master Proposal document with instructions.
You can start thinking and writing about what project you want to present for, BUT till February 27 we'll not accept any document. It is up to you if you want to start early but remember, no Google, not any organization, so not us, know as today who will be at GSoC.
You can start commenting between you and on our Discord channel, #GSOC2025, but if you look for official information always read here, or from a senior mentor.
- Always review all those things for a good start with us:
. Watch our 1st Liquid Galaxy project Community video streaming for very important news, including many new changes in our tech stack.
. Explore our web site and join our GitHub
. Join our Discord for announcements,
. Join GDG Lleida for events announcements at Google Developers platform, and be familiar with our technology and way of doing things.
Nov 23, 2024
Here's the news most of you were waiting for, the new changes in community activities and
GSoC 2025 pre-requirements
All wanna be selected contributors will have to deliver pre-required tasks if they want to be considered, as we have to be sure you're familiar with your tech stack and about your coding capabilities, very next to your soft skill abilities.
Please read these instructions carefully, watch the 1st community meeting for season 2024-2025 and if you have any questions contact us the only way to communicate with us, our lovely Gmail account;
Note: you can create the tasks in the order you want, but for us to approve every task we need them in order. Send every task as noted, and wait for approval to send the next one. We'll not consider contributors not following the rules.
For every task, we need a video and the GitHub code link, if any, as proof, so first create in your own Google Drive a folder with read permissions for everyone, with your name and GSoC 2025, and create subfolders for every task. Do not delete this till Sept 2025. Send us your first task sending the drive main GSoC folder with read permissions to anyone. (edited for clarity)
The videos for this use have to be a 3-minute max video, recorded horizontally in full HD, showing up your face talking and the screen recorded from the camera, not screen captured.
Please always name all files with task name, your name and GSOC year (2025).
DATELINES clarification (as Jan 31)
Contributors have to try to give us the task on time, due that we need time to evaluate your abilities, both technical and soft skills.
Contributors that arrive late to the party, nothing bad there, just simply have to hurry up.
- Task 1: Install a virtual LG Due January 10
To see how we want the video take a look too at the many GSoC 2024 contributors' task 1 videos,
- T2: Create a basic Flutter app or web app* Due January 20
You have to create a basic LG app, where the user can select on a simple window:
- To send 2 different kmls, selectable one by one.
* As as Nov 23, 2024, the new web tech stack is not fully defined, our counsel if you're starting early is go Dart/Flutter.
Send proof of task following rules, including a video explaining your code (5 mins max) (edited for clarity) , and the kml that you have created. If the kml is not created by you, please mention the source where you took it from.
Send us the videos, the kml files and the released build apk.
- T3: Creating and delivering technical presentations
For the other contributors, remember that attending presentations and interacting will help your LG Score, giving you more opportunities to be selected for GSoC 2025.
--Added template and edited for clarity as 7.1.25--
As samples, and to get train you can watch the great presentations contributors did in the past, such as:
Integrating Google Maps in Flutter for Liquid Galaxy apps, by Saumya Bhattacharya
- T4: Creating at least 3 entries for our Liquid Galaxy WIKI
Please write with clarity for others to understand, and quote code in the right way.
Add graphics if needed, and remember to store the images in the same folder independently.
All the entries have to be on the same Google Doc, we’ll not accept pdfs or .docx, and please name the doc with your name and GSoC2024.
Each entry has to be a minimum of half a page, as you have to explain the aforementioned parts and the code or instructions involved.
You’ll be credited if the entry is published, and also you can be invited to write other ones if the ones you choose have been already written many times.
Send proof of task following guidelines.
Due date before GSoC contributors announcement.
(edited for clarity)
- T5: UI creation challenges ---added 31.12.2024--
Some of the challenges have it written specifically that it must be done in KML.
Your judgement will be on whether you can create such pixel perfect micro interactions, animations and interfaces, as for 2025 we want the best looking UI.
Submission link will always be a Github repo, containing all the code, the web pages can be deployed while the app pages can be built and you can send us the apk.
The kml files can be kept in the assets folder.
Check the docs link for more details:
Official announcement and official calendar
On Jan 15, Google announced the 2025 edition, at their main page at:
Important dates to remember:
January 27 - 18:00 UTC Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
February 11 - 18:00 UTC Mentoring organization application deadline
February 11 - 26 Google program administrators review organization applications
February 27 - 18:00 UTC List of accepted mentoring organizations published
February 27 - March 24 Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations
March 24 - 18:00 UTC GSoC contributor application period begins
April 8 - 18:00 UTCG SoC contributor application deadline
April 29 - 18:00 UTC GSoC contributor proposal rankings due from Org Admins
May 8 - 18:00 UTC Accepted GSoC contributor projects announced
May 8 - June 1 Community Bonding Period | GSoC contributors get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects
June 2Coding officially begins!
July 14 - 18:00 UTC Mentors and GSoC contributors can begin submitting midterm evaluations (for standard 12-week coding projects)
July 18 - 18:00 UTC Midterm evaluation deadline (standard coding period)
July 14 - August 25 Work Period | GSoC contributors work on their project with guidance from Mentors
August 25 - September 1 - 18:00 UTC Final week: GSoC contributors submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation (standard coding period)
September 1 - 8 - 18:00 UTC Mentors submit final GSoC contributor evaluations (standard coding period)
September 1 - November 9 GSoC contributors with extended timelines continue coding
November 10 - 18:00 UTC Final date for all GSoC contributors to submit their final work product and final evaluation
November 17 - 18:00 UTC Final date for mentors to submit evaluations for GSoC contributor projects with extended deadlines
A total team of 22 mentors of various levels, including trainee, junior, seniors, and Google Developer Experts mentors, are ready for this GSoC 2025 at the Liquid Galaxy project.
1st dateline: JAN 10 2025, Task 1 statistics
From a total of 78 interested new contributors, 48 different virtual liquid galaxy installations have been presented to us successful and on time, with 15 more not rightly delivered. Congratulations to all of you, and remember, continue your effort with the rest of pre-required tasks, reading carefully this unique GSoC post, and contacting us at liquidgalaxylab gmail com, or asking the community in our Discord if you have any doubts.Your video installations are starting to be public on Youtube, with a special gamification: to animate you all to see your colleague's videos, and how they did, we're going to have a little contest:
Don't know what's a Dash ? The Flutter mascott !!!

January 27: Calling all 3D designers in our community
Hello designers, after a popular request in our Discord we are going to have a new contest, this time based in our lovely Mr. Worlwide, a mascot created by student Kahy back in 2019, under the GCI competition.If you're interested in developing applications based on our new web tech stack, take a look at our GitHub and this presentation :
Our pre-requirements AMA streaming:
by Andreu Ibanez, admin Liquid Galaxy project
Technical presentations :
- Jan 14, 16:00 CET
(GreenSock Animation Platform)
Presented and Q&A by Dev Gadani
Liquid Galaxy streamings Dealing with a good UI, an HTML, CSS and JS for GSoC 2025
Task 1 video packs :