GSoC 2021 global and Ideas Page - Liquid Galaxy project community site

GSoC 2021 global and Ideas Page

Welcome again, students and mentors!!!!

The Liquid Galaxy project is speeding up for GSoC 2021.

Find here all the important information and also our Ideas Page


- Android based applications from GSoC  2021 start to appear at the app stores.

- GSoC 2021 has ended. Congratulations to all successful students, and thanks to our big team of mentors and helping hands around !!!

- GSoC Demo Day 2021 for the Liquid Galaxy project 
on 23rd of August, at 16:00 CEST, we'll have our typical demo day, where the students present their projects. Sadly, and due to last minute Covid situations, we're not gonna be hybrid this year, and totally online. Students will pre record his presentations videos and stay on the Youtube streaming for mentors comments.

- 21.07.2021  1st evaluation Android reviews
Next Thursday 29th of July 2021 students that are developing their apps with Android
will share their experience on a streaming event you can attend on Youtube.

- Introduction to GSoC and this years projects by Andreu Ibáñez, LG Project admin

- Simply CMS, by mentor Diego Riveros, Colombia

- SantNOGS Network visualization, by Paula Marin, Francia

- Dronecoria Seed Visualization, by Karine Pistili, Brasil.

- Simply CMS E.S., by Goutam Verna, India

- Crop Doc, by Guillem Felis, Spain

- Image Satellite Visualizer, by Octavio Müller, Brasil

- Orbit Satellite Visualizer, by Albert Morea, Spain

- 19.07.2021
Congratulations to all the onboard students!! Your mentors have approved your project status and launched you to the most critical part of this year's GSoC, the second evaluation. Here you have to press even further to have the agreed goals delivered on time, and when we said critical it's because there's only one month ahead, as this year's GSoC is a bit shorter than the ones in the past.

- 18.4.2021

 We're happy to announce than Google has sent the final emails to students, and that the Liquid Galaxy project has achieved a new record with 12 interns for this summer, next to a great team of 17 mentors.

The proposals that have been finally selected are:

- SatNOGS Network visualization, Paula Marin
- Visit the World HW, Ainhoa Maestro
- Electronics Monitor Board, Albert Font
- Crop Doc Terminal TPU, Ferran Delgado
- Crop Doc Android, Guillem Felis
- Orbit Satellite Visualizer, Albert Morea
- Dronecoria seed visualization, Karine Pistili
- SimplyCMS E.S. , Goutam Verna
- Satellite Visualizer , Octávio Henrique
- Visit the World SW, Otávio Oliveira
- Galaxy Games, Leonardo Coelho
- Stellarium , Mithil Ghinaiya

We also want to thank all the 70+ students that have contacted the Liquid Galaxy project and the 17 that finally have presented a proposal on the system. Special mentions to the ones not finally selected, sadly we all cannot have interns for all students that want, but we appreciate the hard work develop. We encourage those students to stay with us and start collaborating with the community for future opportunities.

- 14.4.2021: Google has closed the window for delivering proposals, so if you have arrived there congratulations !!! 
Now mentors will further review your proposals and contact you for more meets if necessary.
Please review the video posted below for more important points. 
For your info 4.771 proposals are in the dashboards of the 201 organizations this 2021.

Google will communicate directly to the ones selected on May 17th, till then wait for our mails and meets and Good Luck to all of you !!!

- 9.4.2021: For students doing new apps based on Diego Rivero's Simple CMS read his post.
Created in GSoC 2020, this app will be the start point for several projects on GSoC 2021
- 8.4.2021: Video from co-admin Andreu about the upcoming pre selection of GSoC students
Please see the video with attention, and follow up instructions.

- 27.3: we've aligned several projects from our ideas page and nicely, ideas from students !!!
the window for presenting proposals is opening soon, on the 29th.

SO, the timing from now is:

. Students that already have cleared a proposal with the mentors, sign in on the 29th on the GSoC platform, and send your proposal as DRAFT. We'll assign to you another temporary mentor to discuss further your proposal and timeline.

. Students that not, HURRY UP. 
Plenty of others (almost 70) have already started the process (some of them since December) and the window is really short and we all can be overhweelmed.

Good luck to all of you and thank you to the ones that have presented really nice proposals and interacted with us.
Thank you to the different mentors that have pre supported the students too, and the trainee mentors (Emilie) on the LG installation.

- Timeline at the Liquid Galaxy project: 
This year Google changed a lot on the hours (and stipend) for this year's GSoC. Google asks to work at least 175 hours in a 10 weeks period, from june 7th to august 23th, with only two evaluations now.
Google allows the organizations to organize on this, and LG project is looking for students that really want to succeed in their projects and work all the hours needed, if possible.

So all of our students will start on the 6/7 and end in the 8/23, having their evaluations July 12-16, and August 16-23.

If you have any kind of problem with this timeline contach us, but think that we have to manage a lot of students and mentors and we have to have a clear plan.

- 16.3 : Plenty of students are contacting us, and LG installations and Bootcamps are on their way. Personal meets have started! But if you do not show us progress on requirements those Meets will not happen.
Students have to be aware that when MEETing with us they should be able to answer some basic questions like:
. How the LG works
. How the machines interconnect
. How you'll paint information on the Google Earth and on the cluster machines

We have a simple document for you to read on this.

- March 10, we've been accepted for the GSoC !

Congratulations and start to rush for the requirements !!!

From now the methodology will be this:

- Wanna-be students have to contact us at, explaining their interests and passions, and a bit of CV, and what's the project (below) they're interested to work on.
At this time we've more than 40 students interested, so hurry up and work hard !

You'll not have the first mentor MEET till you achieve ALL of this requirements. We need tyo know you're really interested on achieve your goals.

- In parallel they have (many of you already have started) to be working on the preliminary requirements:

- Have passed the Liquid Galaxy Bootcamp developed by the Liquid Galaxy LAB FACENS.

First, read the WIKI and then the Bootcamp with the three milestones available that you have to develop. The proof of achievement will be when we receive and check the clone link.
We also invite students to make a fork and make all the modifications, ideas, or whatever needed.
And if you find a bug or want to make a comment, create an issue in the repository, and they'll help you.

- Have installed a Liquid Galaxy at least on VMs. You can follow the instructions available here.
(You have to go for the Manual installation, not the automatic one, as the point is that you learn how to build a LG) Also, you have to install at least one of the Liquid Galaxy mobile applications and run it against the installed Liquid Galaxy.
We need video proof of the Liquid Galaxy running and the application. With your face and screen recorded from a mobile, with your voiceover. The video will have to be on Youtube, and sent as a link to us.

You can see here samples of other years' students' videos, and this from student Otavio.
If you need help our new GSoC junior mentors, winner GCi 2019, will help students to succeed on this. Just ask by email.

- Have written a proposal using this as a base (make a copy and fill it up, share with us with comment permissions)

- Have had a minimum of 2 video MEETs with a temporary mentor and discuss your project ideas.

You have to have accomplished all 4 stages before march 29th, no excuses there.

At this time we're not starting the chat communications. This will start after final students are accepted, in the meantime use our email, with us or you assigned mentor.

Older updates 

- As of March 4th almost 40 students have contact with us, and the most received question has this answer: What's next ??
And the answer is this:

. Let's us all wait till March 9th, and see if our organization is selected by the GSoC program this year.

. If we're in, good luck to all!, contact us again ASAP to have a temporary mentor assigned. Then you'll have till the 23rd and a bit more, to present proof of requisites (as noted below) and the proposal to your mentor.
One counsel: if you're serious with GSoC have the proposal ready for the opening day (March 23th).

- As February 27th, 30+ students from 7 countries have contacted with us, and many are achieving the pre-requisites. We love to see LG's on VM's are being installed around the globe !

- As February 13th 20+ students have already contacted the LG project ! and several of them are already on its path to achieve the pre-requisites.

- As of February 1st 2021, the Liquid Galaxy project has applied to this year's GSoC. We'll know if we're accepted by Google on march 9th. 

- Students: to start follow the Pre-requisites below. 

Read carefully the new timelines, as Google has made some big modifications for GSoC 2021, the first one is that the projects will not be three months of work, but one and a half.

Main Google GSoC pages:

 FAQ page

Main page

You also can take a look on this new at the many conferences Andreu Ibanez, main admin of the LG project, has issued in the past few months about the GSoC 2021.
Also you can read the Google Developers Groups Europe blog 
post  Andreu wroted for the whole community:

Oficial Google Summer of Code 2021 Timeline
(master page at Google)

October 26Program announced
January 29 19:00 UTCMentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
February 19 19:00 UTCMentoring organization application deadline
February 19 - March 8Google program administrators review organization applications
March 9 19:00 UTCList of accepted mentoring organizations published
March 9 - March 29Potential student participants discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations
March 29 18:00 UTCStudent application period begins
April 13 18:00 UTCStudent application deadline
May 3 18:00 UTCStudent slot requests due from Org Admins
May 13 18:00 UTCStudent Project selections due from Org Admins
May 17 18:00 UTCAccepted student projects announced
Community Bonding PeriodStudents get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects
June 7Coding officially begins!
July 12 18:00 UTCMentors and students can begin submitting Phase 1 evaluations
July 16 18:00 UTCPhase 1 Evaluation deadline
Work PeriodStudents work on their project with guidance from Mentors
August 16 - 23 18:00 UTCFinal week: Students submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation
August 23 - 30 18:00 UTCMentors submit final student evaluations
August 31Final results of Google Summer of Code 2021 announced

Here you can read our project ideas for Liquid Galaxy 2021 GSoC. 

As last year those are divided into two sections, the first is core libraries, pieces of code that can be reusable in other projects, second is project ideas, demoing with use cases the Liquid Galaxy power.

Please act according to the GSoC timeline before contacting us.

Liquid Galaxy Refactor Core

Bash, networks, Linux

The idea of the project is to refactor the Liquid Galaxy Core repository to have a unique working base. The objective is to have a compact version of the project, removing unused/broken code and organizing the useful content in subfolders or transferring them to other repositories if they are not part of the application core.

Another part of the project would be to reconfigure the network configuration to enable wi-fi and refactor the main installer. Also, as Liquid Galaxy Core is the main base for all the organization projects, this project also aims to organize a proper documentation with basic information of installation and base commands.

Liquid Galaxy Dockerization

Bash, networks, Linux, Docker

The idea of the project is to create nicely running docker images for the Liquid Galaxy, for a system with 3 or 5 screens, and an image for a server running at least 3 of our 2020 GSoC projects.

Expand KML Presentation Tool

Javascript, Bash, KML

The idea of this project is to expand the Presentation Tool API with KML support. A new module will be developed to create KMLs that can contain shapes, lines, placemarks, and balloons. It will also integrate the orbit and change planets functionalities.

As a presentation can have different multimedia on its slides, the KML will be a new option for users that want to create a presentation. To maintain the RESTful API design, the KML module won’t depend on the Presentation Tool frontend and can be used by other projects.

Liquid Galaxy Retro Gaming

Javascript, Html,, Nipple.js

The goal of the project is to create a limitless multiplayer and multiscreen based on the classic retro game Pac-man. The game starts with one of the players as a ghost while all the other players are pac-man’s, once a pac-man gets caught by a ghost they also become a ghost and has to hunt all the other pac-man’s.

Each player will control their character with their phone and the game goes until there are no pac-man’s alive or all the foods have been eaten. The main technologies used will be Javascript,, and HTML

Liquid Scribbles Drawing Tool

Bash, Javascript, Html, Vue.js

The idea is to allow for people that are presenting something on Google Earth to quickly scribble/draw over the software to point to a specific place with an arrow or circle important places on the map. By creating a website with rectangles representing each screen and a few tools on the side like a brush tool, an arrow tool, a circle tool, etc., the user would be able to easily draw on the desired screen.

The website will generate a .png file for each screen and, every time something new is drawn, the files for the updated screens will be overwritten, updating the drawings on the screen with the changes made. The main technologies for this project will be Bash, Javascript, Html and a Front-End Framework.

Gesture Controller Expansion

JavaScript, Flutter, NodeJs, TensorFlowLite, TensorFlowJS, and Python

In Gsoc 2020 was created the Gesture Controller project, an application to control Liquid Galaxy via pose commands using an Android device, the concern of it was to add an interactive, but cheap way to interact with Google Earth.

This year we want to improve what was already developed, turning models more accurate, but also expand the project to other applications making it more customizable. So the idea is to create a platform to train your custom poses and also binds it custom commands, this way will be possible to interact not only with Google Earth but with all other Liquid Galaxy applications with your custom poses, without touching its code.

Bootcamp LG

Bash, Docker, JS, CSS, HTML, Vue, Python, NodeJS

The idea of the project is to prepare the next interested people to become developers with the help of new technologies.

To do this, a course will be developed to introduce those interested in bash, Docker, JavaScript, NodeJS, CSS, HTML, Vue, Python. As the user finishes the challenges and issues of each theme, the user starts to set up his own Liquid Galaxy project using all the technologies he learned in that BootCamp

Dronecoria Seed Visualization

Python, shell, JS, CSS and HTML

The idea consists of artificial intelligence that will identify, over the months, years, for example, the growth of a plantation and return it to the user through a visualization tool in liquid galaxy, which is happening in the perimeter.

The learning model would be given by geometric shapes and colors, that is, labels would be named with the help of DeepLab learning model, so the images received would be segmented and easily differentiated, facilitating the AI work, which would have to return the result using static methods to the user through of a web page on Liquid Galaxy.

Orbit Satellite Visualizer

Bash, Python, Javascript, Vue.js

The idea is based on our GSoC 2019 project Airmashup but with satellite orbits.

The objective is to visualize over the LG the LEO satellites orbits in real-time or archived, with information coming through the different open API and databases available, such as

TIP: Google Earth only allows a certain maximum attitude, so for this only LEO satellites will be viable and not other like geostationary.

Image Satellite Visualizer

Bash, Python, Javascript, Vue.js

The idea of ​​the project is the real-time visualization of satellite images that would be attached as layers of google earth, thus being able to have diverse information of the earth being graphically generated as storms, fires, masses of heat, water vapor, among others with the possibilities of having an AI trained to watch for natural disasters worldwide.

From there, the entire application would be controlled through a backend responsible for managing calls made to the satellite's external APIs and a web application that would give the user control of which layers or information would like to be displayed, all done through a back end integrated with Bash scripts to control KML files and a front end developed.

Satellite Image Environment Analyzer

Bash, Python, Javascript, Vue.js

The images acquired by satellites, in real-time, can be used to identify different events.

The idea of the project is to use the data obtained to recognize abnormalities in relation to the environment. This would be done on the basis of the color analysis of the images, detecting patterns of behavior, and, perhaps, setting up artificial intelligence to detect when something deviates from its established patterns.

With Python, there is a very wide range of tools that make these analyzes possible, which would facilitate the development of the project. There is the idea of a backend made in Node.js, integrating it with functions written in Python. For a better experience, the idea of using Vue.js or React is considered, depending on which one suits the project more, bringing the information in an organized way for the user's screen. The information would be placed in a KML file, to enable its demonstration on Earth.

Liquid Galaxy Road Network Visualization 

Bash, Python, Javascript, Vue.js

The concept of the project is to have a base platform to help companies focused on road infrastructure and urban mobility, where they can dynamically view events on the roads of interest, such as traffic jams, works, and accidents that have occurred on the road.

Through information obtained by the API, it will be possible to display such information of the road with scripts generated in Bash that manipulate points in the displayed KML in addition to a web application to control which set of roads belongs to the desired company.

Liquid Galaxy Stellarium

C, Javascript, HTML

Liquid Galaxy is a powerful tool to visualize data immersively and Stellarium is a very popular open-source astronomical application. The idea of this project is to use Stellarium in the Liquid Galaxy environment with the same view sync effect that occurs on Google Earth and also be able to use the space navigator to move around in the application. It will also contain a simple PWA to control the application.

Simple CMS Implementations
The goal of the following projects are the further development and use case creation of the successful Simply CMS GSoC 2020 project and app by student Diego Riveros.

The idea is to develop use cases for agriculture, where the student will use the basic Simple CMS app, and retool it for capturing the data needed, then painting it on the LG. One use case one project.
Find here some mockups we ideate:

Use case 1: Crop plantation information

Use case 2: IoT dashboard

Use case 3: Seed growing information

Visit the world is a special Liquid Galaxy project. It will have to work with a Liquid Galaxy installation or as a standalone system. You can choose to develop one or the other use case. The main focus of the standalone use case is for elderly people, so simplicity and error-free has to be a goal.

The idea of Visit the World is to make a system for people to navigate Google Earth by voice.

On a regular LG installation, it will run as a box with a mike that will be connected by wifi to the system. The box has to run on a Raspberry PI 3b with Raspbian.
The box will be sending regular LG commands and contents such as KML files after voice commands.
Is up to the student to present the way will recognize voice, think what API or system, Linux based.

The standalone system will be connected to a TV by the RPI HDMI cable, presenting only the Google Earth in full screen and accepting voice commands. The RPI has to run on a mobile battery.

Those have to be minimum voice commands:
- fly to (place)
- move in 4 directions (forward, backward, left, right)
- rotate and tilt the camera in X degrees 
- forward slow or fast

The box has to have a red led for power, and a green led for ready to listen for commands.

Liquid Galaxy spatial chess 

The idea is to find an open-source available code and run a chess game across 3 or 5 screens LG.

Also, the idea is that the game has some kind of API to send external chess movements in standard chess notation.


We are proud to work with some of the best partners.