Notice about minors permission: Students have written those posts and sent the photos, and give parents permission to us to publish them. Still they are anonymous in the sense that we do not publish their authentic names, but his nicknames on the contest.
My GCI 2018 Experience
It was like yesterday GCI started and now it has come to an end. These 50 days were very special for me. Being my last GCi, I had put in all my effort and it really paid off. I completed the most task this year. And the tasks were very interesting and appealing as well. I still have some task which I really wish to do but the time doesn’t allow me to. I wish that it had never ended.
Talking about the tasks, it’s been fun doing each one of them.
Point of Interest Tasks
These tasks were pretty easy, Though I found it not so easy in the first task as I never knew what
POIs are and how to capture them. Once I knew what to do, it was just like a piece of cake for me.
These include:
- Points of Interest about World Heritage Sites
- Create a POI-Tourist guide of your country
- Create a POI-Stadium guide of your country
- Points of Interest about Google offices
Design Tasks
These include:
- Design a poster of Liquid Galaxy
- Create a new design for a Liquid Galaxy t-shirt
- VIT: very important task for us: Design a logo for our Liquid Galaxy Application - HAPIS -
These were very interesting and engaging as it lets you show your creativity. And designing is always fun!
Writing SQL Queries Task
This was small and easy, especially for me as I had some knowledge about MySQL and POI already. But it also gave me learning because I tried to include those queries which I didn’t knew already. So it was fun improving my grip over the topic.
Google Assistant Tasks
These include:
- Make a Liquid Galaxy Quiz Game for the Google Assistant
- TOP TEN TASK: Complete Google Assistant Codelabs
These were very enjoyable as I got to create something which could work on Google Assistant! That is something great I’ve learned.
Android Studio Tasks
2/2 Super Googley programming Top Ten Task: FLUTTER anyone??
This task was really special for me as it gave me my first experience with android studio. It was the very first time that I was coding on the screen and the result could be seen on the mobile phone! Though it was an easy one as I knew some java, it was really fun doing it.
Super Social super TOP TEN task: HAPIS project: Android task, create a simple questionnaire
This is the best task I have done in the whole of GCI. Even though it was complicated and I stuck up many times, I found a way to tackle each problem. It was very enjoyable. At the end when I had completed it, I could not believe that I had finally created it, being my second time with Android Studio and first in app development.
TOP TEN TASK: Design a new UI for the LGxEDU - Controller Android Application's Navigate Activity
This was very complicated task for me. First I was doing it the wrong way. After getting on the right path, I was stuck up somewhere so hard that I was not able to get out of it. But when I finished it, at a point of time I felt like I’ve achieved the purpose of my life. And it’s fun doing the task as I got to add my creativity into it.
TOP TEN TASK: Do you have used Blogger? We want you to try it
This was complicated as well, because of two things. Firstly it is easy to build something from the very beginning but not easy to make changes into an already build project as you first have to understand how it’s made and then make changes. And in my case, I didn’t have that deep knowledge about HTML and CSS. Secondly it was my first time with Blogger. Doing the task was fun, just like the android studio one, you stuck up somewhere and then work very hard to come out of it.
I also did GCI experience in a video task and the dronecoria task which were fun as well. I’ll definitely be completing more tasks before the competition ends. All the tasks are so attractive, I feel like doing them all only if this competition would have never ended. I wish!
To sum up, I learned a lot of things in these 50 days, Blogger, Android Studio, SQL, HTML & CSS, app development, Google assistant, POI. And the best part is that I contributed to Open Source while learning all these. This was only possible because of the hard work of our beloved mentors.
Thank you all for making my 50 days productive and special.