Coding Internships - Liquid Galaxy project community site

Coding Internships

From the different partners of the community there're some coding internships available:

From Liquid Galaxy LAB, in Lleida, Spain.
They offer both for local, national and international students the possibility of develop his curricular practices, end of career and degree projects, and also PhD.
With his installations at the Scientific Park of Lleida they can handle up to 20 students a year.
Please contact them at for any inquiry.

Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in
Since 2011 the Liquid Galaxy project has maintained a relationship with Google Open Source office in internship like programs such as Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in.

If you want to apply for these programs look at our dedicated pages when the programs run.

If you look for some other local offering not available here, look at our top world partners menu and contact each of them.


We are proud to work with some of the best partners.