Coding internships: Vinícius Henrique - Liquid Galaxy project community site

Coding internships: Vinícius Henrique


GSoC 2022 Experience

Vinícius Henrique

Hello all, my name is Vinícius, I'm 24 years old and currently I'm a computer engineering student in Brazil. Since last year I've been collaborating on Liquid Galaxy LAB Brazil at the Centro Universitário FACENS in Sorocaba city, and since then, i collaborated in some projects like galaxy pong, galaxy snake which are some HTML5/Js games, developed by past GSoC students.

Related to technologies I have some knowledge in relational database design and I've also worked with some backend and frontend frameworks like Spring Boot, Angular, Node, Vue Js, Laravel, DotNet and others. Despiste having listed some technologies with which I have a certain knowledge, my focus isn't on technology. I think that as developers we have to solve problems in the best possible way regardless of technology.

In addition to software development, which I take as a hobby, I have a passion for project management. Planning a project (understanding the client needs, defining the tasks priority, monitoring the team and so on) is always the best way to achieve the best result in what we're doing.

This year I had the opportunity to participate in the Google Summer Of Code for the Liquid Galaxy Organization. My project name is BIM Liquid Galaxy Visualizer (can be found on the organization repository on github) and the idea was to integrate the BIM technology with the Liquid Galaxy system. BIM is a methodology where we have in a single file all the lifecycle of an architectural project, this means, the structural plant design, the 3D representation of the construction and also the information about each construction component (window, floor, rooftop and so on). The project was developed with Flutter framework for the mobile app, Node Js for the server and Unity Engine for the scene running into the galaxy. At the end the system allows us to upload new 3D models or use the demo ones, also we can upload the construction metadata, we can open the models into the galaxy and interact with them using the controller into the app. The interactions include movement, rotation, scaling and reset, also from the controller we can show into the galaxy each model component information.

The GSoC experience was amazing. I am usually an instrospect person and with this opportunity I was able to grow in this aspect since i was always communicating with the mentors to report the progress and also with the other students as a community and also i could grow up my development skills since i initially planned my project to understand the best way to achieve the final result, then i passed to the development part where i had the help of Lleida Liquid Galaxy Support Pau Francino with the app test, finding unexpected behaviors and finally there was the app releasing where i had the help of Alejandro Illán Marcos. So, what I have to say is, if you have the opportunity to participate in a GSoC program don’t exitate, it will be an incredible experience.

All my thanks go to Andreu for giving me this opportunity, also, my mentors Karine Pistili and Marc Capdevila for being with me all this time and finally my family and friends for the support.


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