Final post for Google Summer of Code 2020 at the Liquid Galaxy project - Liquid Galaxy project community site

Final post for Google Summer of Code 2020 at the Liquid Galaxy project

On past August 27th and at the Scientific Park of Lleida venue, host of the Liquid Galaxy LAB, was held the GSoC 2020 Demo Day for the Liquid Galaxy project. 8 students from 5 countries, next to 32 other colleagues including mentors, Labbers and GCIers, presented their projects on a long 4h+ Youtube streaming.

On the following links you can see each individual main project final video presentations, where the students explain their own experience, technologies used, and demo the software they developed.

GSoC 2020, Liquid Galaxy Arduino Controller, Otavio Oliveira

GSoC 2020, Liquid Galaxy Presentation tool, Karine Pistili

GSoC 2020, Diego Riveros, Simple CMS

GSoC 2020, Liquid Galaxy Gesture Controller, Bruno Fae

GSoC 2020, HAPIS, Claudia Diosan

GSoC 2020, Seasight Forecast, Gabriel Izquierdo

GSoC 2020, Animation API for Liquid Galaxy, Sara Caballero

GSoC 2020, Free Parking Visualization tool, Charanya Chandrasekaran

Partners Liquid Galaxy LAB


One of the hundreds of MEET held during GSoC 2020 with students mentors and other students 

Labbers team (students from the Laboratorios TIC of the Scientific Park of Lleida) that worked hard for the production of the GSoC Demo Day, left to right:  Paula Vidal, Gabri Izquierdo, Guillem Felis, Claudia Diosan and Andreu Ibáñez, administrator Liquid Galaxy project.

4 hours and 11 minutes with the Youtube live stream of the projects

URLs of interest:

Main Liquid Galaxy web site

Contact email for future students and mentors

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