New announcement and program to share: the new GCIers Podcast! - Liquid Galaxy project community site

New announcement and program to share: the new GCIers Podcast!

As you may know, the GCIers are a group of Liquid Galaxy students who've participated in Google Code-in 2019, and we're back to share our knowledge in a new podcast. 

Along with Andreu, Dylan, Janiru, Merul, Jan, and I (Emilie) will be releasing a monthly podcast about technology. Each month's episode will be released on the first or second Wednesday of each month, and will run about 45 minutes to an hour. 

We'll be covering a variety of topics, such as open source development, projects, technology and dev news, coronavirus updates, tech debates, along with much more! Since COVID-19, most of us have been cooped up inside under lockdown, and hopefully this podcast will brighten your day, as well as share some important tech information. The first episode will be released August 5th on YouTube, so mark the date on your calendar and tune in for our first episode!


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