The "Android controller and administration tool for Liquid Galaxy rigs" is a companion project for the 2013 End of Career project for the computing degree of Joan Llimiñana, a University of Lleida Engineering School (EPS) alumni.
It consists in an Android aplication that will allow users of a Liquid Galaxy system
to handle several tasks from an android tablet.
The tools that the aplication will provide are divided in two main areas:
- Direct Navigation: allowing the users of the rig to navigate through the Google Earth contents with swipes, pinch in pinch out, a basic directional icon set, and a text search bar.
- Poi and tour Navigation: flying directly to defined points.
Private (with password acces)
- Poi and tour management: this section will handle the Point of Interest data, including capture from Google Earth, creation, editing, and deleting, both for POI and Tours.
- Basic administration tasks: this section will handle tasks like restarting the Liquid Galaxy system in various ways, or launching other demostrations and Html5 available aplications that runs over a Liquid Galaxy.
- Open Data link screen: this optional capability will be the link to the Open Data & Open Dai link to Liquid Galaxy main project, and will handle diversous related tasks.