PAST GSOC PROJECTS - Liquid Galaxy project community site



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Projects from Google Summer of Code 2011-2017

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Fly Over Your Big Data

SAVT (Smart Agro Visualization Tool)

Wikimedia Data Liquid Galaxy


Cloud Point Visualization for Liquid Galaxy

Enabling Cesium for Liquid Galaxy

PILT (Panoramic Interactive Live Tracker)

Visualization DLP (Drone Logistic Platform)


FAED Display

Liquid Galaxy Android POI Controller


Re-Architecturing and Random Panorama for the Peruse-a-Rue App

Stellarium on Liquid Galaxy

View Your Data


Dynamic Activities to Interact with Interactive Spaces and Liquid Galaxy


Chinese Street View on "Peruse-a-rue"

Liquid Galaxy WebRTC Hangouts

System, Network, and Performance Monitoring for Liquid Galaxy Web-Based App


Immersive Multi-Screen Video Conference

Open Data & Open Dai Link to Liquid Galaxy

System, Network, and Caching Performance Benchmarking


ClusterGL Liquid Galaxy Integration/Packaging

JavaScript Based Liquid Galaxy

New Control Devices


Android Phone Accelerometer as Liquid Galaxy Input Device


Network Sync in Irrlicht

2017 projects

Fly Over Your Big Data

Competitor: Ivan Josa Llovera

Mentors: Ismael Arroyo & Andreu Ibàñez


The aim of this project is to develop a system that, making use of the Liquid Galaxy capacity to display information over an interactive map obtained from a big data analytics and mining process. Firstly, the data will be gathered from public data APIs and stored in a database to be processed later. This information will be related to historical weather conditions, water and energy reservoirs, earthquakes and other weather related information. Secondly, the data will be analysed under some kind of data analysis algorithm such clustering with K-Means algorithm or Regression Models making use of a Spark Uni-Node System running on the cloud and Python ( pySpark library). The conclusions obtained from this data analysis will be shown on a external interface, such a website running in a server connected to the Liquid Galaxy. This website will offer to the end-user, the possibility to seamlessly display the chosen information into Liquid Galaxy. Then the system will automatically send the corresponding KML files to Liquid Galaxy in order to display this information in a descriptive and visual way, for example percentual polygons, polylines, etc.



SAVT (Smart Agro Visualization Tool)

Competitor: Javier Calvo García

Mentors: Paco Martin Fernandez, Andreu Ibàñez


SAVT will be a software engine to visualize data of crop fields to Liquid Galaxy, allowing you to track his state. This image data, collected by drones, planes or satellites, can be among others: vegetation map, vigor map, nitrogen map, irrigation sectors, dose of fertilizer and variability map.We plan to have access also to data collected by drone, and by different IoT (Internet of Things) platforms, with sensor arrays on the crop field. We'll also use the platform to visualize this data overlaid on the maps and with explanations in almost real time, such as temperature, hygrometry, wind, and others upon availability.The management interface will have the ability to show the analyzed data from a specific client, land or area. Likewise, it will also be possible to collect data from various sources and import images with their coordinates to show them to Liquid Galaxy where each crop field will show a pop-up balloon with all the information about it.Another functionality is the system integration with google assistant using actions SDK to make voice requests and having a conversational UI experience.



Wikimedia Data Liquid Galaxy

Competitor: Guillem Barbosa

Mentors: Ismael Arroyo, Andreu Ibàñez - 1, Julio Bondia Barcelo


Mainly the project has the purpose of showing some data in Liquid Galaxy (different options to choose by the user). The presentation will be so visual in the Liquid Galaxy monitors, and the information will be represented in a bubble and different shapes. There will also be the possibility to make a tour according to which is the chosen option. There will be many options, and the user interaction will be so funny and interesting.The point of communication between the user and the application will be necessary to develop a fluid interface. This interface will handle the connection with the API to obtain the data (SPARQL queries), then the treatment of data and classifying them according to the type, and at last sending to the Liquid Galaxy (KML file) to visualize the data in a map point.An important point is to know the data to be treated from the Wikimedia API. The data will have to be processed and save the values that will be useful. There are different use cases and according to these, we will work with some types of data or with others. At the end, the important is that the Liquid Galaxy visualization of the data will be simple and so the user obtains what he has requested.



2016 Projects

Cloud Point Visualization for Liquid Galaxy

Competitor: Ismael Arroyo

Mentors: Julio Bondia Barcelo, Andreu Ibàñez


This project will join the capabilities of Cloud Point visualization and the high-resolution capabilities of Liquid Galaxy. Different middlewares will be reviewed and tested into the Liquid Galaxy and the best solution will be configured and implemented. In this project we will have the possibility of used different Cloud Point scanning devices such as Project Tango and LIDAR. A management tool will also be implemented to manage the visualization of different Cloud Point .files



Enabling Cesium for Liquid Galaxy

Competitor: abhishekp

Mentors: alfski


Enabling other applications for Liquid Galaxy would greatly benefit the open source community, thereby nurturing the open source culture and encouraging inter-community bonding. This project aims at enabling Cesium - an open source virtual globe for Liquid Galaxy. The Liquid Galaxy project started off by making use of Google Earth for the panoramic system. The idea of this project is to enable Cesium to run across the multiple displays, providing an immersive and a riveting experience to the users. This project focuses on endowing Cesium with features such as Camera Synchronization, Content Synchronization across the displays and Space Navigation Camera Control.



PILT (Panoramic Interactive Live Tracker)

Competitor: MarcGC

Mentors: Julio Bondia Barcelo, Andreu Ibàñez


PILT project wants to create a standard to display static and dynamic information over the LG system. We are going to build a system that creates different layers of information in order to display useful representations in the system. The goal will be create a server that handles synchronous and asynchronous information and translates it into KML, moreover we will represent different uses cases like adding integrations with other Liquid Galaxy projects that has to send KML into the system.



Visualization DLP (Drone Logistics Platform)

Competitor: Xavi Cobos

Mentors: Julio Bondia Barcelo, Andreu Ibàñez


Main object of the project is the continuity of the FAED code, converting it to DLP, bug stabilizing it and documenting correctly. The aim of the DLP Project is to be a platform which acts as a logistic distribution platform and the visualization of the information relative with this project in the Galaxy Liquid platform. DLP project will generate a massive quantity of information that is very useful to have the opportunity to display it in the Galaxy Liquid technology. Project DLP data that will display Galaxy Liquid: The points where drone will use to land or take off which are drop points, drone hangars. Weather information focused in the weather that can be dangerous for the drone like rain, wind, snow… The current position of the drone and its flying plan.



2015 Projects

FAED Display

Competitor: Julio Bondia


This is a visualization layer and a graphic interface for the LG where the user will see the information related with the FAED project, which is weather data (wind, humidity, etc) and the drones situation, movements, etc in (almost) real time.

Liquid Galaxy Android POI Controller

Competitor: Rafa


To create a fluid Android apk controller for the Liquid Galaxy. This user interface will have two main sections: POIs and TOURs selector, Search by on screen keyboard and voice. There will also be a Management Tool protected by a pin.


CompetitorIsmael Arroyo Description:
My project would be mixing Liquid Galaxy with VR technologies like Cardboard ( to add a true immersive environment and a synergic interaction controller.

The main issue when showing LG to people is the training time of the peripheral (SpaceNav, Leapmotion, etc). To overpass this, a more intuitive peripheral like Myo (  can be added to the system.
Myo and Cardboard would be additional controllers for a Liquid Galaxy system on which a user can immerse totally in a photosphere, Street View (Peruse-A-Rue) or other different use cases where 360 visualization is required.
The project would consist on synchronize the Cardboard view with the Liquid Galaxy’s view and, also, add a new controller like Myo.

There can be a new button in the touchscreen or tablet interface to enable and disable these features to choose what controller is in use.

Chinese Street View in "Peruse-a-Rue"

Competitor: niezengying


The Chinese street view is a great implement of "Peruse a rue" . But there are still some limitations in the Chinese street view. For example, and Tencent,co cover different street view areas, therefore we can merge Baidu's APIs into this project. And has released new street view APIs, which contain more features. we can add these feature and fix the bugs it brings. I would like to add these features into this project.

Re-Architecturing and Random Panorama for the Peruse-a-Rue App

Competitor: Nicholas Verstegen


This Proposal concerns Peruse-A-Rue; Street View for Liquid Galaxy application. The project contains two parts: 1. Addition of a new random panorama feature to Peruse-a-Rue that allows random panoramas within certain limits, similar to and 2. Migrating the master display code to run on the touchscreen client, hiding the delay currently seen between the visible master and slave displays. This will also allow a current heading to be shown easily.

Stellarium on Liquid Galaxy

Competitor: Revanth


As a truly immersive display setup, Liquid Galaxy provides a user with a unique experience in which focus and context are both available at the same instant of time. Such immersion becomes more and more relevant for applications involving visualization of huge environments such as Stellarium. In this project, I propose to implement the support for Liquid Galaxy on Stellarium using Interactive Spaces.

View Your Data

Competitor: Marc Solé Farré


View Your Data is a project ideated jointly by Farré and Andreu Ibáñez, mentor at GSOC Google Liquid Galaxy project, a project with 4 years in the GSOC. The aim of the project is to create a tool that imports data of BigData platforms, and based on them create any presentation data layer to display in the Liquid Galaxy. We want to choose for the GSoC as a pilot the FiWare platform, the most used in Europe, and with many different data, that we pretend to add as layers on Liquid Galaxy.

2014 Projects

Dynamic Activities to Interact with Interactive Spaces and Liquid Galaxy

Competitor: Marc Gonzalez Capdevila


Speech Recognition will be used to interact with the differents Controllers on a IS system and display the information on Liquid Galaxy over Google Earth or new web-browser software peruse-a-rue. The project will include a workbench activities to be tested by other developers and their appropiate documentation. I will do this work using the following technologies: Google Interactive Spaces, Liquid Galaxy, Speech Recognition API (to be determined), Java, Android, HTML5, CSS, JSON, Python, etc.


Competitor: Adnan Zahid


GLSpace is a 3D website that can be dynamically edited. It utilizes WebGL and works only on Firefox for now. My aim is to extend its compatibility on all the browsers and integrate ViewSync feature into it so you can render 3D websites on multiple screens. I think future "websites" should be like "halls", "webpages" should be like "walls of the hall" and "links" should be like "rooms in the hall". It'll replace the way you surf the internet today with a more convenient manner.

Chinese Street View on "Peruse-a-Rue"

Competitor: zoomin


Zoomin Hao, a Chinese Graduate student of CAS, worked in a team on 3D Urban Scene Modeling and street view. And happy and excited to return to LG project after his 2012 participation (Liquid Galaxy synchronization with Javascript).His major is computer graphics. He'd be eager to collaborate again and propose the idea about integrating chinese street view into "peruse-a-rue" system.

Liquid Galaxy WebRTC Hangouts

Competitor: Carlos de Dios Felis


In the LG LAB, involving conference calls and the LG project is a really good mix and would give a better and realistic way to communicate between people. The program is thought to run on a web browser(WebRTC), this makes it multi platform and much more useful also supports multiple users with LG in the same conference.

System, Network, and Performance Monitoring for Liquid Galaxy Web-Based App

Competitor: Ismael Arroyo


The idea of this project is to develop a performance bench marking solution that will help diagnose bottlenecks and make decisions for a better performance of web-based applications in Liquid Galaxy

2013 Projects

Immersive Multi-Screen Video Conference

Competitor: Mihai


The project idea is having an application, similar to Google Hangouts, that offers the possibility to display, on different screens, the participants of the video conference (one per screen). I think this project would be useful for video conferences and meetings because it will be easy to use and configure(no plugin required).

Open Data & Open Dai Link to Liquid Galaxy

Competitor: Joan Lliminana


The Open Data & Open Dai* link will provide a set of tools that will help importing and visualizing data from files on public administration Open Data repositories, all geolocated over Google Earth on a Liquid Galaxy rig. Using an android aplication to manage this data both for navigation and importation will make this addition afordable, user friendly, very portable and will be intended to need a minimum configuration on the core of the Liquid Galaxy.

System, Network, and Caching Performance Benchmarking

Competitor: Ismael Arroyo


The idea of this project is to develop a real-time performance bench marking solution that will help diagnose bottlenecks and configure the Squid HTTP cache for a better performance. The metrics that this solution will take care are: - CPU, Memory, Network utilization and User eXperience Level.

2012 Projects

ClusterGL Liquid Galaxy Integration/Packaging

Competitor: paulh


Continuing the ClusterGL project from SoC2011 Development of the transparent OpenGL distributed rendering system for Liquid Galaxy hardware.

JavaScript Based Liquid Galaxy

Competitor: zoomin


This GSoC project is to make the Liquid Galaxy views synchronized with JavaScript, a js library which can control the slave camera just as the google earth client(which we always set the yawoffset in drive.ini).Surely some websockets are needed . Later this would to some other web application.Maybe ShenZhen(a city of China) street view application.

New Control Devices

Competitor: Babak


Using Microsoft Kinect, the gesture and voice recognition features will be used to control the Liquid Galaxy navigation around the Google Earth Map to create a more interactive user experience. This will involve using voice to search for locations and get directions to them and using gestures to move the map around and zoom.

2011 Projects

Android Phone Accelerometer as Liquid Galaxy Input Device

Competitor: Reese Butler


Currently, the most popular method of controlling Liquid Galaxy setups is through the use of a Space Navigator (produced by 3Dconnexion) and a touchscreen. This project aims to improve Liquid Galaxy’s accessibility by adding Android phones to the list of input devices. Since many people own Android phones already, this project would effectively eliminate the need to purchase additional peripherals in order to control a Liquid Galaxy setup.


Competitor: paulh


Development of the transparent OpenGL distributed rendering system for Liquid Galaxy hardware.

Network Sync in Irrlicht

Competitor: Ben Wright


Adding Network Sync support to the open source 3D graphics engine Irrlicht for use with the liquid-galaxy project. This involves synchronizing a game state across multiple computers in real time (at least 30 times a second) to produce a seamless gaming experience on a liquid galaxy computer. With the hundreds of applications currently developed with Irrlicht and its ease of use it is a perfect engine to support the liquid galaxy experience with potential for some really cool apps down the line

Page crafted by a GCI 2017 student


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