ADVANCED GSOC 2018 PROJECT IDEAS - Liquid Galaxy project community site


This are some advanced 2018 project ideas that we have in mind:

Idea: Start to implement the new Future Liquid Galaxy

As Google is focusing the development of his new web based Google Earth, our project is also gonna start pivoting to this technology.
We've using in the past multi Chromium web browser systems running on our cluster to develop applications such as multivideoconferencing using webrtc, or others.

The project idea is to start thinking and develop a multi web browser solution based on Google Earth web, trying to use the same hardware solution used in most of the around 300 existing Liquid galaxy installations worldwide.

We'll work close with Google GEO team in Mountain View on this project, as is the Future Liquid Galaxy.

Idea: Google Local Guides contents integration on Liquid Galaxy

Integrate in our Liquid Galaxy Controller Android app and our application servers the contents from Local Guides stories such as menus, options, data, etc
References from Local Guides: Stories and Earth and User created maps

- make an investigation of what contents is available
- create the db and apps in our own local server based infrastructure to have all this
info locally available to LG, catch it an store, upgrade.
- modify LG controller apk to incorporate all of this, listings, options, etc

- upgrade the app with new functionalities from GCI students like joystick and POIS lists

- integrate a layer of voice interactivity with Google Assistant SDK

IDEA: Create a Runnersworld project visualization on liquid galaxy

That will allow us to follow the one man's 16,300-mile, worldwide run by translating his 3 million GPS data points into an interactive map on Liquid Galaxy.


- integrate a layer of voice interactivity with Google Assistant SDK

IDEA: Create a City Dashboard 

That's a representation of real time and asincronous data feeds from a city.
This can include many kinds of data like: iot sensors,traffic, meteo, etc
The data can be actual or historical.

Identify open data sources from a city to generate the visualization, one that have a lot of feeds publicly available.

- integrate a layer of voice interactivity with Google Assistant SDK


That stands for Drone Control and Planner Visualization Tool.

A tool using standar APIs from Drone sector (Mission Planner and the likes)
to standarize routes to follow by a drone in an area.

The use case will be for a drone system that will replant with special gear forest that have been attacked by the fire.

The goal is:

- With a tool over a online map identify the burned area and create a poligonal shape.

- Create the different routes to follow by the drones to get images of the total area.

The system has to be able to get input on photo camera abilities such as lenses, aspect ratio, or whatever, to calculate the routes and altitude to take the photos.

- Optionally be able to send the correct orders in standar protocols to the real drones to fly the missions.

- Develop basic image recomposition in orthphotos and zones recognition based on Google Cloud AI APIs to recognize different zones in the photographs. Basically all the zones will be clasified in two: can be sowed, can not (houses, trees, too much inclination, etc)

- Incorporate the visualization needed to be able to replay the zones over the liquid galaxy, flight paths, overlayed burned areas, etc

- past sowing visualization, repeating the flight paths, capturing almost same imagering, calculating the succes of the action comparing pre and post imagery.

The system has to be multidrone, able to generate paths and share among the available drones.
Has to integrate a layer of voice interactivity with Google Assistant SDK.

IDEA: PVE:  Program Visualization Engine 

Create a backend application that will be able to acquire data in XML or similar format from third party sources, and make multiple analisis and visualizations, automatical and on demand.

Also know as Google Program Visualization Engine, as the use case is to acquire all the data anonimized available from Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in programs, via a system available or to be implemented by Google OSPO team.
The backend will be able to create multiple stadistics, like per country students, projects, totalizations, and dozens more, next to their visualizations on Liquid Galaxy.

Also a Android APP has to be develop that will run on a 11" Android compatible Chromebook and will be the user interface to the application, next to the Space Navigator joystick.

Has to integrate also a layer of voice interactivity with Google Assistant SDK for the main


IDEA: dbpedia visualization engine

From cross polinization project ideas from the GSoC summit 2017, comes a visualization tool for dbpedia project.
The project have to make an analisis of all the available data and connections available and create the right real time and non real time Liquid Galaxy visualizations.

At least 10 different visualizations have to be created.
Example: they have a 2.500.000 tweets archive ready to be accesed online.

Has to integrate also a layer of voice interactivity with Google Assistant SDK.

IDEA: Liquid Galaxy for Education, Chromebook based

Using the new 360 degree rotation hinge and powerful cpus Chromebooks, the project looks for the creation of the Liquid Galaxy for Education.
Has to be fully usable for teachers and personnel with almost no technical knowledge.
The idea is to bring between 3 and 5 Chromebooks together, and in a very simple way, and inobstrusive for the actual accounts in a CC, launch a full Liquid Galaxy system.

We want to do this through Crouton or even launching Earth in Android or the web version under Chrome browser.

The project will have to add too:
- full documentation for users, teachers and IT professionals.
- An Android app based from another tablet or compatible CC with our Liquid Galaxy Contoller application. I will be nice integrates our new code to have a compatible like 3d joystick control under software.
- An education GEO Guesser application to be designed and developed.


IDEA: Invers geo trivia with liquid galaxy
Create an Android application with Google Assistant and a google drive based simple database (this to be technically accesible for everybody and simple) where the Liquid Galaxy administrator can enter a list of places of the world, geolocated with coordinates.

The Liquid Galaxy goes to the place and the Assistant inquires the user about the name of the place. If ok the Assistant will explain by voice different information, if not will request to repeat till 2 guesses.

The project has to incorporate at least 30 ready to use games. The developer will be able to reuse the POIs projects created by 2017 GCI students.

IDEA: Google Assistant full natural language control interface for Liquid Galaxy

The application will have to handle all the functionalities of the Liquid Galaxy Android controller application by voice.

And include a new GA sdk new design, 3d printed, for table top sitting.

IDEA: Estandar Liquid Galaxy refurbishment project

This task will have different deliverables:
- analyze the stock of applications and hardware from all resources.
- compare what’s running in an actual system
- deliver a plan to upgrade the system with all the available software on standar server
- estandarize installation by create Docker containers
- analyze the hardware and network issues
- integrate google assistant
- design a A4 leafleet with instructions
- create a visit guide
-on paper for guides
- self for standalone visitors
You can read also our repeating Ideas list


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