Presentation - Liquid Galaxy project community site


The Liquid Galaxy LAB is a laboratory inside the Scientific Park of Lleida, Spain.
His goal is research on projects related to Google GEO technologies, specially the Liquid Galaxy. The Laboratory was founded in 2010 by Andreu Ibanez, a well known Google evangelist in Spain, and has as mantra to work in Open Source code with University students.

The Liquid Galaxy LAB is also a community of old students, mentors, professors, coming from Lleida, Spain and the world.

Different students pass by the LAB every year, about 30, doing his work practices, end of career and master projects, even we have some PhD working with us.

More than a hundred students have pass by our installations, where 19 of them have also obtained a Google Summer of Code scholarship. 

Also this past autum 2017, the LAB obtained Google confidence to work on his pre-university worldwide prize Google Code-in. Since then more than 300 students from Lleida and around the world have worked in 200 tasks guided by our 20 mentor team. 

We also thank the companies and organizations that help us doing our research projects:

The space has 120 square meter located in the main offices building, the Cedico, where we have 6 Liquid Galaxy systems (unique in the world), including 24 screens and last gen cpus thanks to the donation of our partners Gigabyte and Benq.

Some photos of our Lleida and remote students, who collaborate with us by videconferencing.

Opening of the Laboratory by city major Angel Ros and the University rector 
Roberto Fernández, among other autorities.

 We also have the original Lleida Liquid Galaxy, a 1.000 kilos 8 screens system, who's used and visited by thousands of people every year.


We are proud to work with some of the best partners.