#Google Summer of Code #GSOC2014 presentation at the @RITSI national congress in Córdoba #gdg #event - Liquid Galaxy project community site

#Google Summer of Code #GSOC2014 presentation at the @RITSI national congress in Córdoba #gdg #event

Next 28th march Andreu will be giving a presentation about the Google Summer of Code program, similar to the one given in Bucarest, Rumania.

The event will be the V Congreso Estatal RITSI, en Córdoba, with a preliminary 2.000+ attendance.

In this speech Andreu will explain the virtues and statistics of the GSOC program, and also the Lleida based experience with the Liquid Galaxy project, that has been for 4 years in the GSOC, partnering with End Point Corp. New York and University Western Sidney, Australia.

Lleida's Liquid Galaxy LAB it's a 60 square meter laboratory for students in his end of career projects, PhD thesis and GSOC projects, all focused in Liquid Galaxy and other Google technologies.

Also in a booth for GDG Spain, we'll be explaining to other interested parties about the Google Developers Group.

Graciously provided by OSPO managers from Google, also we'll have some swag to give away among the presentation atendees, pencils, t-shirts and nice adhesives will show up:

Offer from Liquid Galaxy LAB to the students:  (local sign in catalan that's been spread around Lleida's university)


We are proud to work with some of the best partners.